
ChatFuel is a popular, very easy to use service that allows you to create a Facebook chatbot without any programming. With a bit of content and a spare afternoon, you can have the start of a chatbot running in Facebook Messanger. The advantage of ChatFuel over some of the other simple chatbot platforms is its system of plugins. It has a simple JSON plugin that allows you to escape and supplement your chatbot. I took advantage of this to add UXprobe chatbot analytics to my ChatFuel version of CatTime.

ChatFuel Plugins


The first chatbot I created was CatTime – it’s a Facebook Messenger chatbot that I created by programming a webhook in python. It allows you to enjoy some cat GIFs to sooth your nerves (good at the end of a hectic day!). You can ask for a cat or a wet cat or a grumpy cat, etc and it sends you back a random cat gif matching the query. It measures one intent (task in UXprobe lingo): Enjoy cat gifs and it measures your success. It has one survey to measure your satisfaction. And it tracks one error: when you type ‘woof’ it records a bad entity error.

This isn’t a real chatbot but it shows how to incorporate the three important metrics we need to measure in a chatbot:

  1. User success – do the users complete the tasks they start?
  2. User satisfaction – does the chatbot delight your users or do they find it frustrating?
  3. Chat errors – is your chatbot complete? Does it have logic or entity errors that prevent success and

Using the JSON Plugin

ChatFuel has a system of plugins that extend its system of chatbot creation. One very handy one is the JSON plugin. This lets us make use of an external service like UXprobe chatbot analytics. In the image below you can see I have created some blocks and in these blocks, I can add a JSON plugin card to record what is happening in the chat. It’s quite easy!

ChatFuel JSON Plugin

In the various blocks, I record chat text, task starts and task ends and I show and record a survey response.

Create Some AI

Since CatTime is not a real chatbot it does not have a lot of AI – we just link to the word ‘cat’ to show some cat GIFs, the word ‘purr’ to show the satisfaction survey, and we record and error if we see the word ‘woof’.

ChatFuel AI

Enjoy Cat GIFs!

That’s it. We now have a nice Facebook Messenger chatbot with UXprobe analytics. We now can measure how successful our users are, how satisfied our users are and we can hunt down errors that are impacting success and satisfaction.

CatTime on ChatFuel

And that’s it – very easy and very helpful. We now can measure:

  1. User success – important for your stakeholders to gauge the usefulness of the chatbot
  2. User satisfaction – critical to understand if the chatbot is delighting or frustrating your customers
  3. Chatbot quality – so it can be improved

So we have three important metrics but also, we have these three metrics in relation to each other – so we can see how quality impacts user success or how user success impacts user satisfaction. That gives us actionable data to make your chatbot the best it can be.

Do you also want to improve the quality of your chatbot?


Paul Davies