by Jan Moons | Jan 5, 2021 | Case study, Usability test, UX
Het Agentschap voor Innoveren & Ondernemen (VLAIO) is het aanspreekpunt voor alle ondernemers in Vlaanderen. VLAIO stimuleert en ondersteunt innovatie en ondernemerschap en draagt bij aan een gunstig ondernemersklimaat. Het agentschap maakt gebruik van een CRM- en...
by Jan Moons | Nov 21, 2019 | Case study, UX
De Examencommissie secundair onderwijs geeft iedereen de kans om via zelfstudie en op eigen tempo een getuigschrift diploma secundair onderwijs te behalen. Wie deelneemt aan examens regelt alles vanop een digitaal platform: inschrijven voor een studierichting, examens...
by Timo Verbrugghe | Dec 1, 2017 | Case study, Features, Journey, Management, UX
In 2016, the Belgian bank Crelan asked their agency, Prophets, to completely redesign both the online banking environment and the marketing website. After setting up expectations and requirements with their client through preparatory workshops, Prophets started a...
by Timo Verbrugghe | Sep 13, 2017 | Case study, Features, Journey, Management, UX
VAN IN has continually been working to improve the usability of their Bingel platform, an online adaptive learning platform catered to both teachers and pupils in primary education. In March 2017, VAN IN and UXprobe began performing user tests to study the behaviour...
by Timo Verbrugghe | Aug 30, 2017 | Case study, Features, Journey, Management, News, UX
When Patrick Marck, Director at FeWeb (the Belgian Federation of Web Companies) realized their organization needed a new CRM system & website, he decided to hold a competition in May 2017 amongst FeWeb members (many of which are website design agencies) to design...
by Jan Moons | Jul 13, 2017 | Case study, Good News, UX
Jan Moons, UXprobe’s co-founder and UX expert, worked closely with Tim Van Lier (UX researcher at VRT, a Flemish public broadcasting corporation) to prepare and perform a series of remote and unmoderated user tests for the beta version of the VRT news website. In June...